Music, Magic, and Steampunk!
The Dissolutionverse is an intergalactic society of ten homeworlds connected by music-based magic instead of spaceflight. People step from world to world, but only through portals created by one of the maji, those few who can hear the Symphony underlying the universe. When a majus changes the notes of the Symphony, reality changes with it.
Maji are important to the economy of the ten species, which places them high in the government of the ten homeworlds. That government is located in the Nether, an immense hollow crystal the size of a planet to which all the homeworlds connect by portal. As with every civilization where there are those with more, there are always those with less. The Dissolutionverse focuses on exploring the conflict between the maji and common people, and between those with and those without.
As a majus, you have the ability to change reality itself, at the cost of the notes of your soul. But you have less time to hone your other skills. Recommended for players who want to be creative on the spur of the moment with a limited pool of magic.
As a non-majus, you have a variety of useful skills and hobbies that give you advantages whether adventuring, fighting, researching, or just relaxing. Recommended for players who want more hands-on tools to affect the world, and who want to keep a lower profile, in-game.
Your group may be called on to search out interesting artifacts, find new creatures, rescue people or even investigate them. There may be conflict between the maji and everyone else, as well as conflict between the ten species of the assembly as they each tend to their own agendas while trying to create a better whole for the Great Assembly of Species.
Investigate strange worlds and create custom spells with music-based magic in the TTRPG set in William C. Tracy's Dissolutionverse series. Play as one of eleven species, craft spells from your imagination, and use d8 dice in press-your-luck rolls to succeed at challenges! Includes crafting mechanics and no character death (though other things might happen...)
Spells of the Symphony is a tabletop roleplaying game for 2-8 players. As a majus, you can change reality itself with custom-crafted spells, at the cost of the notes of your soul. As a non-majus, craft unique skills and hobbies to give you advantages in adventuring, fighting, researching, or just relaxing.
Investigate strange worlds and learn music-based magic while adventuring through the ten homeworlds of the Great Assembly of Species!